IAAS Indonesia LC UB

Hey, what’s up guys? This one’s agenda from IAAS Indonesian LC UB. The event presented by Public Relation and Human Resource Development. It was held in Animal Husbandry Faculty at August 29th 2009. The theme was “Leadership without Communication like Soup without Salt”. Sometimes, we’re not really confident as a leader. Because, We don’t have a good ability in communication. SO, What did we get from this event? So far, We’ve improved our soft skill in this coaching. In honestly, I felt my communication improve and be more confident as a good Leader. Oh My GOD… It was amazing, because We’ve got coaching by Mr. Ibnu and Mr. Stephan. Just come and find what happened……
In this event “Coaching of Leadership and Sponsorship”, All of committee came earlier than participant and prepared everything. We divided in two session for coaching and made a game in break time. The event began at 02.00 p.m. What did we get first? Before that, the ceremony opened by Dhanang adhi P. as Chief of Committee and M. Risky Affandi as Director. Wow, We’ve got Leadership coaching by Mr. Ibnu in the first session. He didn’t tell about theory leadership. He just shared type of leader and discussed it. We were really exciting, and we’ve got many chance to ask. We’re really satisfied. Because, all of the question answered clearly. After that, Mr. Ibnu made a game. The name of the game was “Blind Train”. Some of the participant took a part in the game, and the other just watched them. The game had full meaning in communication and leadership. So, all of participants had a chance to communicate not only their eyes, but with their ears. And they heard the sound of bottle that played by their leader. So, If the team could found the leader just follow instruction from the sound of bottle, the team would be the winner. The game was funny and amazing. We’ve got the message more complete about Leadership and communication from “Blind Train game”. After that, we’ve got break for one hour.
All of participant was curious about the second coaching. Because, we would get the coaching from ex-Vice President IAAS. Who is he? He is Mr. Stephan. What did he talk about? He told about his experience and shared about sponsorship to us. We’ve learned how to made a good ”proposal” and found sponsor. We were really enthusiasm and got a chance to ask. Wow, the participant was really exciting with this topic. Some of us, asking about ”how to get sponsorship from abroad”, ”how to made a good proposal”, etc. Finally, We’ve known about proposal and sponsorship more than before. Of course, We’re so satisfied with the answer. Before, we closed our coaching. Mr. Stephan made a game. Name of the game was ”Brutal Money Under Phone”. Hahahahaha, No one won in this game. The rule of the game was simple. Only taken the money without break out the phone. So, we’ve lost a chance to get money from Mr. Stephan, hiks 7x..... Although, our coaching was over. Because it was happening in ”Ramadhan”, and some of us was fasting. We closed the event after ”Sholat Maghrib”. We have a dinner together with special menu. After ll, I wish from this event, We’ll be better than before and thank’s for your coming. See you in the next Event.......
By: kharis Alimoerdhoni Arief (KAA)


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