IAAS Indonesia LC UB

Local Committee Brawijaya University (LC UB) was being a student activity unit in university at 1999 (SK no.105/SK/1999) after struggling since it formed at 1992. One of requirement for being admitted as university activity unit was the members of IAAS must coming from minimum 4 faculties, and when the fishery faculty, husbandry faculty and agriculture technology faculty were separated from agriculture faculty then IAAS could admitted as a university activity unit in Brawijaya University. At the first time LC UB was share the room with Menwa (at 3 organization period times, 1997-2000) after its place before always moving followed where’s the local committee director have been, but then LC UB got the permanent place in Sekretariat Bersama Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa Brawijaya University.
IAAS Local Committee Brawijaya University (LC-UB) was accepted as candidate member IAAS Indonesia in 1993. The person who propose founding IAAS LC-UB at that time was the leader of SEMA Agriculture Faculty, Ahmad Sirojuddin whose then occupied as Local Committee Director (LCD) IAAS LC-UB in the first period. In 1994 this status changed into full-member. First activity in that time was Exchange Program activity especially in sending program by sending a member of IAAS LC-UB to Swiss for internship in farming for at least 3 months.
In second period, IAAS LC-UB was being an organizer for National Congress IAAS Indonesia in 1995. Another activity was sending a member to followed internship for 3 months in Netherlands. In this period some LC UB members followed internship in Swiss, Germany, and Finland.
Intern organization activities had done in the third organization period time. An effort to get permanent secretary, office tools supplying and organizing, organization socialization around Brawijaya University, implementation of language education, and also sending delegation to National Congress and interaction with another LC was the agenda at that period.
Until right now IAAS LC Unibraw has doing LCC for 13 times. It means there were 14 Local Committee Directors who ever lead IAAS LC UB:
1. Ahmad Sirojuddin, Agriculture Faculty (1993-1994),
2. Endah Agus, Fishery Faculty (1994-1995),
3. Andhika Karunia, Agriculture Faculty (1996-1998),
4. Citra Wardhani, Agriculture Faculty (1998-1999),
5. Johan B. Pambudi, Agriculture Faculty (1999-2000),
6. Ani Yulika, Agriculture Faculty (2000-2001),
7. Fauzian Noor, Agriculture Faculty (2001-2002)
8. Wahyu Purwaningsih, Agriculture Faculty (2002-2003)
9. Firman Jaya, Husbandry Faculty (2003-2004)
10. Rudy Rahadian, Agriculture Faculty (2004-2005)
11. Endah Wijayanti, Agriculture Technology Faculty (2005-2006)
12. Fandi Arisrahman, Husbandry Faculty (2006-2007)
13. Saiful Rizal, Agriculture Technology Faculty (2007-2008)
14. Wawan Wahyudiono, Agriculture Technology Faculty (2008-2009)
15. M, Rizky Affandy, Agriculture Faculty (2009-2010)

One Response so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    halo iaas lc ub, saya citra perwakilan dri exchange dept iaas lc unpad, saya mau tanya kra2 ada progra magang di ub untuk kita? kalau bisa kira2 waktunya kapan ya? atau saya bisa minta contact koor exchange deptnya ngga? ditunggu ya replynya, terima kasih :)

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